Meet R!

Finally a few images of R to show. We had a great time in Studio and on location. Nothing like a brisk walk during a session to get things started! I always laugh when my seniors try to keep up with me and R had noooo problem. We managed to hit all the best spots

Here’s M…um…again!

Over the river and through the woods…or…eh…something like that…to grandmothers house we go! And we did…Of course we didn’t actually go over the river or really through the woods but we did travel out just a bit for M’s sesssion. I’m so glad we did. What a beautiful spot to photograph M. It brought back

Here’s L!

Despite the fact that mother nature was supposed to rain on us, we managed to get L’s location session in on a lovely evening. L was such a good sport as we did our shoot around all the other park guests. It took a bit longer but I just love the images we got! Can’t

Next is J!

J. was a ton of fun during his sessions! Such a good sport hoofing it all around downtown Mt.Clemens for his location session! Sometimes you just don’t know what to expect on location – like finding the unexpected in unexpected places! Turns out we had a great evening for our session and J was terrific